Dauphin County General Authority is a local agency under the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law. As such, its public records are available for copying and inspection.
Anyone requesting records from Dauphin County General Authority should contact its open-records officer, as follows:
Guy P. Beneventano, Esquire
4075 Linglestown Road, PMB #345
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Telephone: 717-652-4600
Email: [email protected]
Right-to-Know request forms may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records at www.openrecords.pa.gov/RTKL/Forms.cfm.
Please note: for purposes of calculating a response time under the Right-to-Know Law, Dauphin County General Authority has adopted the guidance of the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records; namely, a “business day” is any day that an agency is open for business and/or operation. Dauphin County General Authority is open for business each week Monday through Friday, excluding all federal, state or local holidays.
Please further note: when responding to requests made under the Right-to-Know Law, Dauphin County General Authority has until 11:59 P.M. of the day the response is due to timely respond.